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Unexpected Page 3

  “Is this everyone?” The scattered conversations stall as my knowledge of Illusian stuns them into silence.

  “The Human knows of our kind and speaks our language. Do not fear her, she knows her place,” the Keeper says, reassuring them.

  My place? Oh, hell no.

  I bite my tongue and continue. “We have plenty of medical supplies, food, and water here to last you however long you need. Unfortunately, there aren’t a whole lot of places capable of housing all twelve of you, so this room is going to have to suffice.” I stifle my attitude before I say something stupid. Knowing my smart mouth won’t go over well with the Keeper, I try to keep my frustration to myself. Sizing up the room, the Keeper zeroes in on the lone entry point.

  “This will be fine. Where are your warriors? You will need to anticipate an attack at some point. Our enemies will come for us, and when they do, death will be the least of your concerns. Your females closely resemble ours, which leaves you vulnerable to the vile and repulsive obsession they hold for us. The things they desire are, unsavory, to say the least. We appreciate your hospitality but, without the additional protection from our men, we are left… at a disadvantage. Send me your strongest, and I will brief them on what to expect if an incursion takes place,” she says as she stands at attention in front of me.

  “Congratulations, you’re looking at her.” I smile for emphasis. The Keeper’s eyes narrow, unimpressed.

  “You cannot be serious. You are but a whisper of a thing, less capable of defending yourself than a babe clutching his mother’s breast.”

  “Look, this is a labor outpost. Everyone here works their trade and that’s it. We don’t have trained soldiers. What you saw earlier is as good as it gets.” I shrug and busy my fingers with the hem of my shirt.

  “Perhaps coming here was a mistake. You offer us no more safety than the void outside. Our males should arrive shortly. The transport vehicle we commissioned for our last-minute escape will not sustain flight. We barely survived our trip here. Be warned. You may know little of our kind, but you will need to brief your human males to take caution. Our warriors are lethal and hold the lives of their female counterparts above all else. Mated females are best left alone, even by you if they do not require immediate intervention. Any foreign scent can and will be seen as offensive, and their primal need to protect will not go unanswered.”

  My mouth waters at the thought of their males and I swallow hard. Walking over to the windows, I push the button that darkens them, allowing for more privacy from prying eyes outside. I lean back against the exam table and wait for her to make the next move. The Keeper winces as she turns to face the group. A raven-haired boy, no more than six, jumps up and runs to her in response. She quickly waves him off, returning him to his mother’s open arms. His little brow furrows in confusion. He doesn’t look wounded or ill.

  I wonder what that’s all about?

  I gesture toward the clenched muscles of her abdomen. She’s guarding herself, holding her stomach to stifle her pain. “Why don’t you let me take a look? I get you can murder me in like two seconds or whatever, but it’s obvious you’re hurt. Let me see if I can help.”

  “No. Tend to them first. If I have not stopped bleeding by the time they are all whole, I will agree to let you examine me.” She surveys her group before her gaze lands on a female at the far edge of the room. She’s leaning against the wall, holding her knees to her chest.

  “Xandria, you first.”

  Petite and golden-haired, Xandria approaches with caution, her nervous lavender eyes fluttering between her Keeper and me. Her hesitancy resolves with a single nod from her protector, and she scoots up on the table with a tight smile.

  “Hello, my name is Jayla. I’m going to take a look at—”

  “That will not be necessary.” The Keeper blocks my hand and shifts closer to her charge. “I can tell you where they are wounded.”

  As Xandria is covered head to toe in some sort of soft animal hide reminiscent of leather, I can’t see anything without lifting her dress or removing it. A quick glance around the room confirms they’re all dressed in a similarly modest fashion and, judging by their overbearing nanny’s response to my attempt at a full body examination, that isn’t going to change.


  Reaching out, she gently places her hand on the back of Xandria’s neck and closes her eyes. “Her legs, they pain her a great deal.” I nod, curling my fingers around the hem of her dress. The Keeper moves closer, like she’s ready to pounce. The muscles of my shoulders clench at the feel of her cool breath on my neck.

  “Take care not to harm her, human, or I will leave you with scars to remind you of your carelessness.”

  Oh, fuck this.

  “Easy, I’m just trying to help. I’m all for respecting whatever weird ass cultural thing you have going on, but I won’t tolerate being threatened. You get a day pass for what you pulled earlier, but try that shit again, and I’m out.”

  A chorus of gasps echo through the room. Many of the females staring at me in disbelief. Half expecting her to gouge my eyes out, but only partially caring after my lack of sleep, I brace myself for the worst. Instead of anger, I get something that suspiciously resembles approval.

  What the hell?

  She sighs, annoyance and exhaustion creasing the corners of her red eyes. “You will continue, and I will keep my word. But tread lightly. Those I am tasked with guarding are of utmost importance. They are not to be touched without caution.”

  “Message received. Now, will you back up and give me some breathing room? You can kill me just as quickly from a few feet away.”

  Her eyes narrow and she steps back an inch.

  Well, that’s better than nothing.

  A dirty pair of bare feet greet me as I lift the hem of Xandria’s long dress. I’m surprised by how light it is despite its dense appearance. Soft and buttery, the material carries the heavy tang of dirt and wild animal. I can only assume the group spent their seclusion in the elements, dressing with whatever was available. Oh, my goodness, if my grandfather could only see me now.

  Moving upward, I visually catalog several wounds from her ankles to mid-thigh. A mixture of deep blues and purples, her battered legs are covered in handprints, scratches, and something that looks suspiciously like large bite marks. With an anatomy that mirrors a human, assessing her takes only seconds. Meeting her gaze, I silently question the need to go higher, trying to allow her to maintain as much dignity as possible. She shakes her head, tears gathering in her eyes. The Keeper responds to her distress, answering for her.

  “She remains intact. They failed to violate her, not that they did not try vigorously. You will see many wounds like this today and you are to speak of them to no one. You may fear my presence now, but if the time comes you are facing a similar circumstance, I will not allow you to be defiled. No being should be subjected to that type of cruel savagery.”

  With a lump in my throat the size of Jupiter and goosebumps coating my skin, I continue to care for the small group of refugees. One by one, each female comes to the table, and the Keeper stands faithfully by to direct my focus. I clean and dress wounds, reset bones, and administer antibiotics until I’m so weary, I can hardly stand. Six hours have passed since being woken in the middle of the night, and after re-examining my newly inherited patients once more for good measure, I see I’m not the only one beyond exhausted.

  After completing the immunizations for both of the children, I sink down in my cheap, second-hand office chair and pick at the exposed foam. Leaning back, I catch a whiff of my armpits and wrinkle my nose. Damn, I need a shower. And a nap. Scratch that, I need to fucking hibernate. But there’s no way I’ll be able to shut my mind up long enough to sleep.

  I’m on edge, the scattered thoughts rattling around in my brain demanding my attention. I can’t get past the image of Xandria’s thighs. It’s making me physically nauseous. All but three of the females I treated will require additional care an
d dressing changes. According to the Keeper, the remainder will be fine waiting for the rest of their group, whatever that means. What the hell kind of beasts could assault a group of women and children? Feeling unsettled and driven to help, I open my eyes and force myself to get back to work.

  After distributing the last of our standard issue, scratchy, mixed-fiber blankets and pillows, I watch as the Keeper, and who I think are probably the mated females she mentioned before, help the other females and children into their makeshift beds. It’s clear by the way they interact there’s a noticeable difference between the three groups. The unmated females are by far the most vulnerable outside the children. They display a certain air of helplessness and always look to the Keeper for permission. The mated females are more confident and carry themselves with purpose—not to mention they fared physically better, perhaps possessing a sharper sense of self-defense. All equally beautiful, their bronze skin and violet eyes are so startling, only the profound scarlet of their Keeper’s gaze draws me away. If a straight girl like me can’t stop staring at them, I have no idea how I’m going to keep the men on this rig from getting themselves killed. Keeping them completely separated and out of sight is the only option.

  Seeing the last of the group tucked into their beds, I pad over to the Keeper. She’s the only one I have left to assess. I keep my voice low, hoping not to disturb the others. “You care a great deal for them. It’s clear you take your duties seriously.”

  “It is not a duty. It is my life’s honor to protect those who continue our lineage. They hold the key to our survival and must be protected at all costs. Surely, even a member of a race as prolific as humans can understand the sentiment.”

  “Is this all that’s left? Of your women and children, I mean?”

  She stares at me as if she’s trying to decode my intentions. Satisfied with whatever she sees in my tired, tawny eyes, she shakes her head.

  “No. Our numbers are much more significant, but because of the continued onslaught from those who seek to master our race, we are unable to live together in large groups and must remain spread out to ensure our survival.”

  “That’s intense. So, you guys have been hiding your entire lives?”

  Suddenly irritated, her eyes narrow, and a sneer pulls at her ruby lips. “Those of Illusia do not hide! We choose to be strategic about our survival. We do not wish to live under the thumb of another. That is why we have avoided your kind for so long. You humans wish to capture and abuse us just as our sworn enemies do, except you hide your intentions under the guise of providing security to those in need. We are free and choose to be so despite the high cost of our independence.”

  I draw back, offended by her characterization of my race and her obvious prejudice against humans. Sure, there are shitty humans out there, but I just spent hours helping them.

  “If you hate us so much, why come here?”

  “We had no other choice.”

  “Sure, you did. You could have roved around in space, waiting on your males. No one here asked for you to show up uninvited and bring your drama to our doorstep.”

  “You know nothing of our choices.”

  Her body grows rigid as my tone sharpens. “No, you’re right, I don’t. And you know nothing of mine. I’ve spent my entire morning caring for your people without asking for anything in return, not even simple gratitude. I’ve asked very few questions, even though my lack of knowledge puts me seriously at risk. I don’t know what diseases you may have but still I’m standing here, covered head-to-toe in your people’s blood. Don’t you dare treat me like I’m a total piece of shit when all I’ve done is try to help.”

  The Keeper’s aggressive posture relaxes, and a deep sigh escapes her lips. “You are right. You have shown us a kindness I know has come at a personal cost. I may not have understood the words used earlier, but I saw the way your people responded to our arrival. They dislike you.”

  “Oh, I don’t give a shit what they think,” I say, unable to control the smirk that crosses my face.

  Still hesitant, she prowls forward and sits down in front of me at the table. “You may be physically weak human, but you seem to possess a certain resilience. Perhaps your population is not at as much of a disadvantage as I previously thought.”

  “Jayla. My name is Jayla, but my friends call me Jay. Now please sit down and let me look at you. You’ve nearly bled through your entire top. Can I at least clean out the wound and cover it for you?” She nods, then jerks away from my outstretched hand.

  “Do not touch my skin without gloves,” she says in a low voice. “It contains the remnants of a neurotoxin my kind can excrete. I have not done so while in your presence, but the residue always lingers. As someone with no tolerance, even the smallest amount can cause you harm. I trust you will not share this information with anyone else.”

  “Shit.” Dropping my hands quickly, I retrieve a set of gloves off the table. “Am I going to burst into flames or something? I can’t remember if I used them on everyone earlier.”

  “Fear not, only Keepers and rare alpha females capable of inheriting mating gifts can produce this specific toxin. None of the others can. Despite seeming cruel, even I would not have allowed you to compromise yourself in such a way.”

  “Well, that’s a relief.”

  Her eyes narrow at the sarcasm in my tone. “I am Naya.”

  “I’d say it’s nice to meet you, but my neck still hurts from earlier, and I’m almost positive you ripped out half my damn hair.” My lips flatten into a muted smile as I focus my attention on her abdomen. I don’t have to search long, finding a very deep, angry stab wound just below her navel.

  “How are you walking around with this?” The jagged edges of tissue are raw and shiny, and the pearl-colored inner lining of her stomach shows through. There are also several layers of dirt and grime that needs to be cleaned.

  “The wound needs irrigation before I can stitch it closed, and it’s going to hurt like hell. Let me go grab some morphine before we start.” She stops me as I turn toward the medication dispenser.

  “I do not desire to stop the pain. It serves as a reminder of why I must protect them so fiercely.”

  “All right, but don’t eat me, okay?”

  With gauze and sterile water, I clean the wound, a little harder than necessary. I’m still bitter about what she did when they arrived. I flinch as sharp silver barbs protrude from her fingers and pierce the fabric of her sand-colored hand wraps when the pain is at its worst. Relieved they were in place during her demeaning show of force earlier, I shudder knowing she could have snuffed me out with a single touch.


  Reinforcing the ragged gash with gauze and a thick stretch bandage to keep pressure on the still-oozing wound, I make sure to leave her with an antimicrobial ointment. After dimming the lights and showing Naya how to lock the door, I drag myself back to my pod and grimace as the tight muscles in my legs cramp with every step.

  Twenty-four going on eighty. My back is screaming at me after leaning over our worn-out exam table all morning. It’s been broken since before I reported to my post. My watch vibrates with a text from Rett. Word of mouth has spread about our new visitors and apparently, people are pissed. Oh, hell. I forgot to report in with my medical director and apprise him of the situation. I call him, dreading the conversation. By letting the Illusians on board, I’ve created all kinds of potential contamination risks, and now my job, and potentially my freedom, are on the line.

  Screw them all, it was the right thing to do.

  Since the powers that be aren’t willing to pay a licensed physician to sit inactive on a rig like ours, and they aren’t able to justify sparing one of the AI docbots, medics like me are the first and only line of emergency responders. Technically, I’m required to “consult” with my medical director on all patient cases to ensure that I’m not overstepping my boundaries. Whatever. There was no time for all that bullshit. After trying to dial out twice and failing,
I give up. I did my due diligence, and I’m going to lie my ass down and try to sleep. Crawling into bed after ripping off my bloodstained uniform, I let my exhaustion pull me under.

  My sleep is fractured by the constant thoughts tumbling around in my mind. Picturing the arrival of the highly desired Illusian warriors has my body in a tizzy. After a year-long sex drought, the mental image of an absolute alpha male has my dormant libido stirring, and like an Earth bear waking in the spring, it’s angry and hungry as hell.

  Chapter Four


  Squeezing the half-protruding spine in the palm of my hand, I search for memories, pulling and tugging at every image and feeling within its twisted mind. This piece of shit knows something, has been given information that will explain how we were discovered. My lip curls up in disgust, and my blood boils as I dig in further. The vile images of the females he abused stand out like mountains in his thoughts. He cherishes them, keeps them in the forefront of his sick mind as a reminder of the spoils of war. After several moments of ripping him apart, I have found nothing of use, and my ire rises with every breath the abomination struggles to take.

  “Put it with the others,” I command, dropping the now limp body and crushing it beneath my feet. I press the sole of my foot deeper into the gash my blade created in the side of his throat, enjoying the gurgle that escapes with the final mist of air leaving him. That is my favorite sound, the ultimate reward for ridding the universe of another repulsive Inokine. The memory of its filthy hands reaching out to pull at Xandria’s exposed legs as Naya ripped her from him mid-thrust, makes me want to tear the life from him all over again. She fought well, holding on until Naya and I could free her.

  Already having annihilated the rest of the group, I reach down and pulverize what remains of his skull and revel in the tiny popping noise it makes as his green brain tissue oozes between my fingers. Orion nods his head and grunts in approval as he passes, dragging two lifeless bodies behind him. The rest of those in my immediate vicinity growl as a fresh wave of blood lust hits us all. Fuck, I need to find something else to kill.