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Unexpected Page 5
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Page 5
“Lovely day today, isn’t it, gentlemen? I’m Rett. Nice to meet you.” Rett holds out his hand to the first soldier peering down at me. Blond and well over six feet tall, his pale white skin is peppered with mean looking scars. Not getting a bite, Rett then turns to the shorter of the two, a thin guy with midnight hair and eyes the color of warm shit. Rett’s gaze cuts to the high-end laser specter clutched between his fingers, and he drops his hand.
“Right, then. If you’ll just excuse us, my friend and I will be on our merry little way.” Rett pulls me to my feet, then attempts to pass but the soldiers remain unmoving. Neither of them has spoken a word. “Well, that’s just rude.” He looks at me, completely at a loss for what to do. Apparently, flirting isn’t going to cut it.
Channeling my inner mean girl, I opt for a different route. “Hi, Officers Gibbons and Petty, is it?” I ask, leaning in close to read the names stamped on their uniforms. I flatten my expression, trying to look unimpressed.
“It’s Sergeant, little girl.”
Oh, someone’s a douche bag.
“Whatever. I’m Medic Shirley, and I need access to my office and medical bay which just so happen to be located on the floor above us. Unless you’re planning on carrying my friend and me up those stairs, I need you to get the hell out of the way.” Both men perk up and take notice of my name.
“Medic Jayla Shirley?” Sergeant Gibbons asks. Rett and I exchange a nervous glance.
“Yes, I see you did your homework. Now, move along.” I gesture at Rett to follow as I try to push my way between them. Sergeant Gibbons’ tactical glove-covered hand wraps around my forearm roughly and halts my attempt.
“You need to come with me. Now.” His grip on my arm tightens further as he pulls me away from Rett.
“Get your fucking hands off me, you cretin,” I say through gritted teeth. How dare he manhandle me like this. Pulled forward despite my attempt to lock my knees, I fall as Sergeant Gibbons continues to drag me down the hallway.
“Watch your mouth, bitch.”
“Watch my mouth? Watch your hands, dickhead,” I’m still fighting to get my feet under me so I can walk as I look back to Rett for support, only to find him standing there dumbfounded.
Why are all the men here so useless?
“Calm down, little girl.” The condescension in Gibbons’ voice only feeds my irritation.
“How about you let go of my fucking arm, dude? I learned how to walk like twenty years ago.” Ripping my arm out of his grip, I hold it close to my chest and massage the now painful muscle. “What the hell is this all about, anyway?” I ask, fighting my desire to kick him in the balls.
“You’ll find out soon enough. This will all go a lot faster if you comply.”
Comply with what?
With little knowledge to ease my mind, I focus on the heavy clang of his combat boots on the metal walkway as we head toward a section of decommissioned bio domes.
“What are we doing here? These haven’t been used in months.” I drag my heels in an effort to slow down our pace. Everything about this situation feels wrong.
“Shut your mouth and try not to do anything else stupid.” Gibbons glares at me with his dull green eyes as he whispers into the comm hidden beneath his collar.
The bio dome door opens, releasing dust and other remnants of its dormancy into the air. I scrunch my nose as the scent of decay hits me like a ton of bricks and I lean back, trying to cling to the fresh air in the hallway. Not having it, Gibbons shoves me forward. Impatient prick. The toe of my shoe snags on the door, and I tumble over the threshold. Jerking my head up to cuss him out, I stiffen at the sight of yet another person who could potentially kill me for the second time in less than twenty-four hours.
I’m really getting sick of this shit.
Chapter Six
Propped up on an overturned manure crate like it’s a throne rather than a discarded box of animal excrement, General Sterling makes an exaggerated show of turning off his comm and removing his ear piece. His beady gray eyes rove over my body with a mixture of lust and loathing before signaling Gibbons to turn off his comm as well.
“Ah, Medic Shirley, I see you have finally decided to grace us with your presence.” His thin lips twist up at the corners as he beckons me closer with a curl of his finger.
What a fucking weirdo.
Now that I can see him up close, I feel oddly sorry for the Blurg. A light-skinned human male, standing only five-foot-four, his balding scalp is artificially dyed to appear full of rich mahogany hair. With an oily, pock-marked complexion, a bulbous nose, and a sweaty brow, he looks more like a troll than a man. The idea of anyone willing to peel the clothes off his nasty, overly-plump body makes me nauseous. If that isn’t enough, the arrogance radiating off of him, combined with his heavily applied aftershave and the stench of rotten vegetables floating around us, have me fighting hard not to vomit. I swear if the General gets any closer, I’m going to spew all over his perfectly shined shoes.
I cry out in pain and my body contorts as Gibbons’ steel grip clamps down on my hand and twists my wrist, immobilizing me. Unsheathing the knife hanging from his belt, he cuts through the band of my comm watch, and shoves it into his pocket.
“Hey dick, give that back!” I yell, holding my wrist protectively. “What’s your deal? Use your words!”
General Sterling laughs. “Well, we can’t have you recording this conversation, now can we?”
“Oh, is this a super-secret meeting? You about to ask me to join your club?”
The general’s eyes narrow at my sarcasm. “Joke all you want, Medic Shirley, but you are in a world of trouble. Not only did you assist an unauthorized group of Unwelcome to board a UCom funded station, you then used government-issued supplies on said group and failed to notify the proper authorities of their arrival.” General Sterling counts my infractions on his fingers one by one. “Not to mention, you placed every single being within these walls in danger from any number of possible contaminants the Unwelcomes may or may not have brought with them.”
The general clucks his tongue as he continues to scold me. “You should be thankful I was scanning the coms when the anonymous tip detailing your infractions came in. If I were a less forgiving man, you would already be on your way to Earth in UCom custody, charged with a number of policy violations.”
His eyes narrow as he stands and closes the few steps between us, looming over me. I know I should be intimidated but I can’t stop staring at his incredibly poor dye job. Does he seriously think he’s fooling anyone? I shake my head, trying to focus.
“Now, since I’m an understanding man, and happen to be of great importance, perhaps I can make a deal with you.”
I snort in response and meet his shifty eyes. “What do you want from me, General? You’re obviously willing to go to great lengths to make a point, so spit it out already. And for the love of all things holy, call off your pet.” I nod to Gibbons, standing behind me. “If he manhandles me anymore, it won’t matter what you want, I won’t be able to use my hands for anything.”
“Aww, Sergeant Gibbons is sorry. Aren’t you, Gibby?” The general’s crooked teeth jut out as he turns his lips into a pout and rises up on his toes to ruffle the soldier’s hair. Gibbons clenches his jaw, and the vein in his forehead pops out in a show of barely contained fury. I can’t control my snort as I watch him try to reign in his anger.
“Gibbons, don’t you have something to say?” he asks, placing his hands on his hips.
“Sorry,” Gibbons replies through clenched teeth.
Uh-oh, trouble in paradise.
“Good. Now we can move on.” The general directs his attention back to me, clasping his hands behind his back. The deep green fibers of his undersized jacket strain as he circles me and the gold buttons signifying his elite position look ready to pop off.
“I won’t ask much of you, Medic Shirley, but I require your discretion. After coming here to ensure the safety of our c
rew, I was informed our new visitors show a particularly unique and ferocious set of skills. I wish to know more about them. In fact, I wish to know everything about them. You can understand them and speak their language.”
He smiles at me, eyes gleaming with malevolence, and leans in close enough for me to smell his rancid breath. “What I need from you,” he taps me once on the nose with his finger, “is for you to get close to them and continue your duties as their medic. To ensure you have ample time, I am going to reassign all your other responsibilities to your counterpart. You are to learn as much as you can about the Unwelcomes and report back to me.”
“And if I don’t?” I ask, boldly raising my chin.
Gibbons shifts closer to me, eager for a confrontation. The general’s grin widens, daring me to refuse. “Well, if you do not comply with my very generous offer, you can consider yourself relieved of your duties and you will be on the first freighter back to Earth. I fear however, that due to our increasingly thin resources, your trip may be rerouted several times. Perhaps, to pick up prisoners from the more, how do I put this, unpleasant planets?” He taps his chin, pretending to think, and widens his unsightly smile. “You could spend weeks, months even, lost in transit between here and there, outside the bounds of UCom jurisdiction and could be subjected to any number of displays of savagery. And without your watchful eye, the care of our new guests will fall into my hands. I am a very busy man Medic Shirley, but I’m more than willing to take the time needed to provide the special attention such a ravishing and vulnerable population very clearly needs.”
Wow. This douchebag has no idea who he’s dealing with.
“How many men did you bring with you, General?” I return his smug smile.
“Ten of my most trusted and highly trained soldiers. Might I ask why you think that is any of your concern?”
“No reason. Just wondering how you plan to deal with the arrival of their males. I mean, since you’re planning on providing their females special attention and all. I’m not an expert or anything, but I’m guessing if the women are that ruthless, the men are a force to be reckoned with.”
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head. Surely, you heard they narrowly escaped with their lives. I doubt we’ll have to worry about any of the others surviving.”
How does he know any of that?
My bravado dissolves, and I grow weary of the conversation. Adopting an air of boredom, I ask, “Are we done here, or what? I have things I need to do”
“Absolutely. I look forward to working with you. Glad we could come to an understanding. The general shifts his attention to the sentinel beside me. “Gibbons, please escort Medic Shirley up to the containment unit housing our guests.”
Forcibly directing me out the door by my elbow, Gibbons shoves me toward the stairs. Despite his firm grip, I feel more settled the farther away we get from the general’s sketchy face. My relief turns into irritation as Gibbon’s continues to squeeze my arm despite my compliance.
What is this guy’s deal?
Coming up to the stairs, he releases me and pushes me forward with the barrel of his gun. I reach out and grab the bags that Rett and I brought earlier and stumble up the first step.
“Walk,” he says, increasing the pressure of the weapon pressed into my back.
“Ease up, Commando Creep, I’m doing what you want.” If this were a normal situation, I’d be giving him much more lip, but even I know to shut up when someone has a gun pointed at me.
As I stagger over the last step, my jaw drops as the makeshift biohazard containment unit they created comes into view.
We can’t manage to stock feminine supplies and refuse wipes, but they can set up a fully functional isolation unit in less than five hours?
Unable to see past the fractionated privacy windows of the heavily guarded entrance, my concern ramps into overdrive. There’s only one way in and out of this place, save for the refuse shoots, and it’s now under the physical control of the person who just threatened me with rape and violence. If the general is willing to treat me so callously, what is he willing to do to someone he sees as a liability?
The guards stationed in front of the containment unit nod to Gibbons as we approach. They shift to the side, allowing us to walk into the first of two small chambers. After the doors glide closed and the vacuum seal takes effect, we’re immediately assaulted with the heavy pressure of air. The anti-microbial infused fog steals my breath, and my eyes burn as Gibbons shoves my face against one of the four spray nozzles. I gasp, fighting against his hold, then knee him in the groin as the mist clouds his vision. Stumbling back, I crawl low to the ground, feeling along the seams of the room for a way out. Finally, the door! A burst of energy surges through me as I push and pull at the impassive hatch to no avail.
“You’re gonna regret that, bitch,” he says, leaning over, cupping his groin. “I like it when whores fight back.” I claw furiously the door, desperate to get it open, but only manage to rip up my nails. Cornered in the small space, I press myself against the wall, trying to hide in the thick fog.
He lunges, swiping through the empty air. “Show yourself, skank, the longer you hide, the worse it’s gonna hurt.”
My lungs seize as I hold my breath. He’s right beside me.
“Here kitty, kitty, kitty.” He slams his fist into the wall beside me, narrowly missing my face. I almost cry in relief when I hear the beep signaling the first step’s completion. The erratic beat of my heart pounds in my ears as I shoot forward, trying to escape through the now open door. Gibbons snags his hands in my ponytail and shoves me face first into the wall. I struggle to stay upright, but the force of the blow is so strong, my vision narrows, and I stumble. The tender skin of my face screams as a boot slams into my back and kicks me into the second chamber. Cradling my cheek, I feel my disfigured nose, and try to stifle the blood pouring out.
Gibbons continues kicking me, landing blow after blow, forcing my body into the fetal position. I hold my breath in an effort to withstand the brunt of his weight as he steps on my chest and pins me to the floor.
“Not so talkative now, are you, bitch?” He chuckles at my attempts to gather enough air to scream for help. I panic, and tears fill my eyes. He’s going to kill me. And for what? Being sarcastic?
I clench my abs, praying for the pain to end. With a loud ding, the second and final door opens. A deep well of disappointment severs my hope as I stare out into the bay. There’s no one there to help me. I’m going to die.
Gibbons, unconcerned with any potential witnesses, lifts me off the ground and tosses me out of the containment unit onto the landing. Hitting the stiff metal floor with a loud thud, I crawl away as fast as I can, afraid of what will happen if he gets ahold of me again. My head’s fuzzy, and my vision blurred. An otherworldly roar fills my ears and I scrape my hand over my eyes in a desperate attempt to see. There, in front of me, is a rage-filled gaze so intense, not even the fear of Gibbons can distract me.
Warmed to my core by his feral intensity, I fight my need to breathe, afraid that even the slightest movement might label me as prey. I glance up at him with a heated stare and study the rest of his face. His oblong pupils blot out all evidence of the color underneath. More cat-like than the average human eyes, they’re framed by thick, uncontrolled walnut brows that meet a strong, commanding nose. His nostrils flare as he scents the air, enraptured with whatever he finds. Wrapped in the most beguiling shade of bronze, his pronounced angular cheekbones and sharp, masculine jaw lined with short, wiry stubble make him, without a doubt, the most desirable being I have ever laid eyes on.
I stare at him, despite the feel of warm blood coating my hands and the floor beneath me. I must be bleeding more than I thought. Not ready to look away, I use the corner of my shirt to put pressure on the gash on my head but break my gaze when it feels mostly dry. If it’s not mine, then where is it coming from? I scan the floor for signs of the source and see the limp, still twitching body of Sergeant Gibbons l
ying on his back in a rapidly expanding pool of blood—a gaping hole where his throat should be. His cruel, lifeless eyes are forever frozen in shock. His violent end should disturb me. I should be appalled by the blood and gore now seeping into the soles of my shoes. But after what he did to me, I can’t seem to find any emotion for him at all.
Chapter Seven
People say there are precious moments where one choice can change your life forever. Up until this second, I always thought they were full of shit.
“You are wounded female,” he whispers in a deep rasp, trembling with rage. The rope-like muscles wrapping around his shoulders and arms strain and bunch as he prowls toward me. Effortlessly gathering me into his arms without hesitation, he holds me flush against his naked chest and heads deeper into the landing bay. Still in shock, I allow him to carry me. Part of me knows how dangerous he is, but as the infusion of adrenaline I felt earlier wanes, my battered body gives me little room to concentrate on anything else. As we continue to move through the small utility area leading onto the platform where the Illusian females arrived less than a day before, I let the warmth radiating off his bulky frame ease some of the gathering tension in my back. Less than ten feet away from my office, I notice several small red dots swirling around in my vision, muddying his chiseled perfection with their artificial glow.
Great, that douchebag Gibbons gave me a traumatic brain injury.
Still there, no matter how many times I blink, I squint and look at the tiny lights closer. My heart drops as soon as I recognize them for what they are. Sniper sights. Targeting him.
“No!” I yell, flailing my legs and arms, trying to get free. Every single part of me screams in discomfort, but he just saved my life. I can’t let him die because he chose to protect me. My savior grunts in protest as I wriggle out of his hold and slide down his chest. With no other way to shield him, I press my back against his chest and spread my arms wide, covering as much of his massive body as my tiny frame will allow.